Welcome to my art and interior design shop!
Note! You can pick up from the store but separately by appointment via email: irinleht@gmail.com or on Instagram: irina.lehtonen.sisustaa
You can order all products according to your color wishes!
Jesmonite - sparkling interior items
Finer – Reproduces even the finest details
More Eco-friendly – Water-based, not solvent-based, so it's more environmentally friendly. Does not contain VOC compounds.
More choice- Can be pigmented to any color or RAL reference
Stronger – Strong, flexible and more durable, making it highly impact resistant.
Lighter – Lighter than stone, glass concrete, sand and cement products
Safer – Independent fire classification according to European fire classification EN 13510-1. Solvent-free without VOC compounds
Käytän ainoastaan vedenkestävää Jesmonitea. Nämä sisustusesineet ovat ekologisia ja ympäristöystävällisiä. Ne on valmistettu matalaenergisesti sedimenttikivijauheesta.
Jesmoniitti on myrkytöntä, se kestää vettä ja kulutusta. Paloturvallisuus mahdollistaa myös kynttilän polttamisen.
Oiva ratkaisu esim. yöpöydälle korvakorujen säilytykseen tai pesuhuoneeseen palashamppoon alustaksi.
Kaikki lautaset ovat samalla uniikkia taidetta, käsin tehtyjä sekä värimaailma itse suunniteltu. Kaikki tuotteet ovat tehtävissä väritoiveen mukaan.

Pouring Art ja akryylimaalaukset
Design by Irina- Pouring art
I send the earrings as a letter in a corrugated cardboard package so that they don't get bent or broken. The postage price of the jewelry is €4.60. The jewelry is mailed in a black cardboard box, where it is easy to store.
I make a series of about 10 earrings at a time, each of which is its own little work of art!
Dangling earrings
Stud earrings
It can be seen in Finland all year round, often close to the zenith in winter. It is approximately the same distance from the North Star and the northern celestial pole as Otava, but on the opposite side.
The Milky Way passes through Kassiopeia. In Greek mythology, Queen Cassiopeia was the wife of King Cepheus and the mother of Andromeda. She boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, and Poseidon demanded that Andromeda be sacrificed to the sea creature Ketos as compensation, but Perseus got ahead of his intentions and killed Cetus and took Andromeda as his wife. In revenge for her arrogance, Cassiopeia was placed in the sky, chained to her chair so that she hangs upside down for part of the day.
Art earrings - epoxy/dried flowers
Sweet - nappikorvakorut

Arc candle 8 €
Teddybear candle 6 €
Cabin package 2 pcs 6€
Color examples: pink, lilac, turquoise, light blue, olive green, light green, brown, toffee, yellow, light orange.
Olive wax for EcoOlive Pillar table candles is a 100% natural blend of mainly olive wax and natural additives that improve burning and fragrance. This wax does not contain genetically modified ingredients, palm or paraffin products. It's biodegradable and vegan-friendly, and it's not tested on animals.
You can order candles and other art products with your own color wishes here! The manufacturing time of the candles is 2-3 days, depending on the number.
Enter your name and email address:
Saippuat on valmistetty kylmämenetelmällä valmiista Stephensonin saippuamassasta se on täysin vegaanista, SLS ja WSLES vapaita eli ne eivät sisällä Sodium Lauryl Sulfitea ja Sodium Laureth sulfitea (toksisia aineita ympäristölle).
Betoniset tuotteet
Voit myös tehdä tilauksen ja väritoiveen kynttilöistä, sisustusesineistä, korvakoruista tai sisustus/akustiikkatauluista alla olevalla kaavakkeella!
Tuotteiden osto onnistuu verkkokaupan lisäksi laskutuksella sähköpostin kautta, jos tilaat yksityisviestillä. Saat siinä tapauksessa sähköpostiin laskun ja maksuaikaa on 2 viikkoa.